Am ajuns rau. Insa nu se discuta in tara modul in care este privita actuala situatie a Romaniei in strainatate.
Nu vrea sa vorbesc de vesnicile crime, violuri, jafuri comise de romani. Nu vrea sa vorbesc despre starurile muzicale si actoricesti despre care am mai discutat.
1. France 24 ( unul dintre cele mai importante posturi de televiziune franceze) : Intr-un reportaj , jurnalistii francezi critica dur decizia presedintelui de a desemna presa un pericol national. Acestia considera ca Romania se indreapta, dupa 20 ani, spre o noua perioada comunista.
2. The Telegraph ( UK) critica ( destul de dur) deciziile Elenei Udrea de a da sinistratilo pantofi cu toc.
La ce sa ne mai asteptam? Pana si ei s-au prins de starea Romaniei. Sa nu uitam ca Romania , desi se afla intr-o situatie exceptionala ( din cauza inundatiilor) , nu a apelat la Uniunea Europeana. UE oferea sprijin ( fara a fi inapoiat) pentru ajutorarea sinistratilor.
Flood victims given high-heeled shoes
A Romanian tourism minister has provoked anger by handing out high-heeled shoes to female flood victims.
But one local said: “I would like to see her try walking over a mud filled road in high heeled shoes.”
Elena Udrea – who once posed in a bikini for a magazine shoot – said the gifts would cheer up women who had lost everything.
She added: “Women in Saucesti, especially the young ones, appreciate the chance to be elegant and to not have to wear Wellington boots any more.”
She turned up with boxes of black high heels shoes saying to women: “We have beautiful shoes for you.” She also brought chocolate for the children.
On her blog she defended herself against critics, saying that the shoes were part of 20 tonnes of aid she had taken to the flood-stricken town of Saucesti.
Se poate pune si intrebarea daca guvernantii nostri stiu de ajutorul care ni l-ar da UE…la cat sunt de incompetenti!
@Tony : Iti garantez ca stiu…
Inca mai cred ca nu sunt toti la fel si ca sunt si care pot face diferenta…
Conservative: A man who just sits and thinks, mostly sits. — Woodrow Wilson